CGO Coaching Events – with breakfast or drinks

CGO Group Coaching Breakfast

Sat 25th July – 9am-12noon Minories Gallery, Colchester

Contact The Minories – booking opens shortly

An invitation for creative artists and business people, performing and visual artists, music and theatremakers to mix two ingredients – croissants and coaching. Start the day with Goals considered and immediate Actions in place. Croissants and coffee to get you started, and private creative and business life coaching to get you focussed.

If there’s any confusion in your life, get a coach. If you want a coach, get Chris Grady” Caroline Pearce / North East Festival Creator.

There are few projects or companies that couldn’t be improved and inspired by Chris Grady” Paul James / Head of Commercial Development at PCG The Voice of Freelancing.

These inaugural Colchester session will include a 50 minute group coaching session (think guided meditation with a notebook and pencil), coffee, croissants, some marketing and coaching tools for you and your business, together with a Q&A about the creative business and time to meet fellow creatives in a safe space.

CGO Group Coaching Afternoon

Fri 19th July – 5pm-7pm Wiltons Music Hall, London

Contact Wiltons – booking opens shortly

An invitation for creative artists and business people, performing and visual artists, music and theatremakers to mix two ingredients – coaching and connection. An afternoon at the end of the week to consider the Realities of your life, the Goals you reach for and immediate Actions you will take.  Coffee/Tea when you arrive and after the session the bar is open and the atmosphere is most welcoming – so stay a while.