CGO and PROJEKT EUROPA are very excited to be collaborating on a new scheme to support and develop the career of an emerging first-generation migrant producer. This scheme will involve a fully funded place on the CGO Diploma in Creative Producing and a paid work placement with PROJEKT EUROPA on one of their upcoming projects.
The DipCP runs from February to June 2023 and will involve a commitment of two days a week for classes plus additional time for reading and assignments (completed in first or chosen language). The placement will begin in April and will consist of one day a week paid at £150 per day for 16 weeks.
Person specifications:
Some experience (less than 2 years) within theatre: this can be producing or in other disciplines.
You are UK based – although the zoom DipCP can be completed from any location, the placement will be UK based.
You consider yourself a first-generation migrant.
How do I know if I am a first-generation migrant?
We recognise that there are many circumstances by which you can identify as a first-generation migrant. To help, we have included suggested definitions (examples only) as articulated by Migrants in Theatre:
● You do not hold a British passport but reside primarily in the UK, or
● You have moved to the UK after spending formative years abroad, or
● You weren’t born in the UK and have English as a second language, or
● You moved to the UK as a child, are culturally British but still seen as a migrant in the eyes of decision-makers (especially if your name is foreign, if your ethnicity isn’t white, if you trained abroad etc.), or
● You are an asylum seeker in the UK, or
● You are a refugee in the UK, or
● You are undocumented in the UK
You may recognise yourself under one or more of these points, or none at all. Either way, please do apply if you consider yourself to be a first- generation migrant.
Projekt Europa is an international theatre company making radical and generous work for local and global audiences. CGO is a UK-based organisation that supports creatives to make connections across the national and international theatre sectors.
To apply, please email olivia [at] chrisgrady [dot] org with a CV and cover letter (no longer than 2 sides of A4) or a video (3 mins max) by 18th January 2023, letting us know about you and why you are interested in this scheme. If you have any questions, please feel free to email them to Olivia at olivia [at] chrisgrady [dot] org